You go Hank Steinbrenner

Mr. H. way to go! I say, “Mr. H. let them know what’s really on your mind.” In a reply, (see “Report: Hank Steinbrenner fires back at Torre”, October 21, 2007) to Joe Torre’s recent public response and denial of a one year contract extension it seems to me and it’s purely speculation since I do not know Hank, in my opinion what I believe Mr. H. (that’s what I have decided to name Hank Steinbrenner – Mr. H.), what I think Mr. H. really wanted to say is, “You don’t tell us how to spend our money, we’ll tell you how we’ll spend our money.”

Simply put even if that’s not what he was thinking (remember I am not a naysayer) I like this Hank Steinbrenner guy. You set the tone baby. Now that’s a true New Yorker response.

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